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A son of the King, a sucker for grace, and a non-professional writer who fancies the intricacies of telling a story, whether fact or fiction. :)

Monday, December 24, 2012


As we gather here together on this beautiful Christmas day, let us keep in mind our glorious God and the mighty price He paid. Each moment gets sweeter, the love and the hope grow greater, whenever we remember our wonderful, powerful Savior. This isn't just a party or a holiday get-together. It's a temporal prototype of the eternal unity God tethers. Every single one of us is unbelievably blessed. And yet, so often we can tend to take for granted and forget: My life is not my own-- it was purchased by a death. It was bought by a stripped and suffering servant king from Nazareth. He came to bring a better way, and in our place, to die. He came to initiate a new covenant by which we go from darkness to Light. This crazy plan of God's is the ultimate divine conspiracy; its pure genius blowing the minds of men and women for a few dozen centuries. To put it into words would be something like this: 'No greater love'. Crucified, resurrected, then seated at the right hand of Abba above. Don't forget why we celebrate, why we eat feasts and open presents? Don't forget why we take a break from work, put up lights and hang pretty ornaments? Remember the meaning of those manger scenes, no matter how contrived. Remember the meaning of those classic songs, which speak of Christ alive. Pray for the grieving parents who just lost a member of their family. Pray for the lonely widow who now has to put up her own stocking and tree. Let us not lose sight of the downcast, the poor, or the needy. Let's respond to grace with gratitude that produces generosity. It's a courageous thing to give, whether it be cash, hugs, time, or smiles. So how fearless will we be when we walk with brothers and sisters through trials? Let's renew our minds to all that we have and whom we were made to be. Spirit, keep laying on our hearts that we're sons and daughters of the King. We are anchored in hope and secured in unspeakable joy, procured by the Christ who came for His own as a helpless baby boy. We can approach boldly the throne of grace now, because of what God has done. He gave us more than we ever deserved by sending us His son.

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